PulseView BitMagic Logic Analyzer Setup on Linux


This quick guide details how to install and configure the PulseView logic analyzer software on Linux for use with the 1BitSquared BitMagic Basic.

This guide targets Ubuntu and Fedora, but similar concepts will apply to other distributions.


NOTE: This guide assumes you have root access to the machine you'll use.

  1. Install PulseView

    To install PulseView for use with the BitMagic, install both PulseView and the Sigrok fx2lafw firmware (see this issue for more information).

    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install pulseview sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw
    • Fedora: sudo dnf install pulseview sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw
  2. Add BitMagic udev rule

    This step permits you to run PulseView as a non-root user.

    Place the below text into a text file in the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory. I recommend the name 99-bitmagic.rules, which will process near the end of all udev rules. See the end of this step for more information.

    # BitMagic Basic Logic Analyzer
    ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d50", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", MODE="0666"

    A quick note on udev, the name of the udev rule file matters. Udev processes rules in lexically sorted order. As all installed rules on the system (including the ones provided by your distribution) are sorted and processed together, it's essential to name the udev rule file with a name like 99-bitmagic.rule. Doing so ensures that the BitMagic rule will not conflict with other system rules. For more information, see another post I wrote which links to udev documentation at the end and details udev rule creation (specifically targeted at USB serial devices).

  3. Reload and re-apply udev rules

    Run the following command to load and make active your newly-created udev rule.

    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
  4. Connect the BitMagic device to a USB port on your machine

  5. Run PulseView and select BitMagic Device

    In the "Connect to Device" popup GUI in a PulseView session, choose the fx2lafw driver via USB. PulseView should then autodetect the BitMagic device as sigrok FX2 LA (8ch) with 8 channels or similar.

  6. Select your desired decoder and begin sampling!

    Don't forget to set your sample rate at least four times faster than the signal you're sampling!